Ain't she SWEET?! Our baby girl is now 2 (even though she thinks she's as big as her sisters)! She's had a great year, & she's just getting to be more fun to be around everyday (ok, maybe not EVERY day). She's the comic of the group, always looking to get a laugh, and usually succeeding. Good natured & easy-going, Addison had a great time at her birthday party, where it seemed like there were a million other kids unwrapping her gifts (especially including her sisters)! She loved the "chocky cake" & her favorite gifts were baby dolls & accessories (which was about everything). Oh, yeah and the SQUEAKY SHOES! She LOVES them (thanks a HEAP, Mimi!)
It was nice to visit with her cousins, Alyssa, Katie, Carter & Jillian (we missed you so much, Camden!) & she always loves to see her home-friends. Thanks a bunch, Wonder-Tina for the great pictures! You're so talented!